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begin of code: #include <iostream>  using namespace std; int main(){ input int a, b; cin>>a>>b; output cout<<a<<b; newline when print cout << a <<endl; Conditional == equal != not equal <= >= < > int points=101; if(points>70){ cout << "hoy yah"; } else if(points==70){ cout<<"konoriki"; } else{ cout << "moko"; } int choice=2 switch(choice){ case 1: cout<< "bud"; break; case 2: cout<<"choco"; break; default: cout << "yoyo"; }


PHP Beginner PHP Array Loop Function Pre-Def variable Session Read Write File CRUD Advanced PHP PHP MySQL PHP MyAdmin PHP MySQL Notes Other course Python Beginner Intermediate Advanced Pro python-hosting React Links General JS PHP Programming Python C++ Stuff TR: Create DB Collation Supported language: gözönünde bulundur Most common: UTF-general-cı Türkçe: ISO 8859-9 (latin5) windows 1254 utf-8 çok daha iyi ama dezavantaj daha çok byte Data Type Int - collation boş - size boş String - bu field her zaman  Char olmalı-çünkü =255 kar

PHP-Read Write File

PHP Beginner PHP Array Loop Function Pre-Def variable Session Read Write File CRUD Advanced PHP PHP MySQL PHP MyAdmin PHP MySQL Notes Other course Python Beginner Intermediate Advanced Pro python-hosting React Links General JS PHP Programming Python C++ Stuff   < Beginner PHP >< Array >< Loop >< Function >< Pre-Def variable >< Session > < Read Write File > < CRUD > < Advanced PHP >< PHP MySQL PHP MyAdmin >< PHP MySQL Notes > Working with Files & Writing to a file Functions fo

JS-Loop and If

   < Beginner JS >< Function >< Variable >< Loop-If >< OOP > if statement if(MemberAge<18){ document.write("teen"); } if..else if(MemberAge<18){ document.write("teen"); } else{ document.write("big"); } if...else  if...else if(MemberAge<18){ document.write("teen"); } else if(MemberAge>18){ document.write("adult"); } else{ document.write("just 18"); } Switch statement Ex1: switch(memcat){ case1: Fee=100; case2: Fee=150; case3: Fee=300;} Ex2: with break switch(memcat){ case1: Fee=100; break; case2: ...; } Ex3: no matching than default case switch(memcat){ case1: Fee=100; break; case2: ...; default: Fee:400; } Counting and Looping Executing a portion of code over and over again until an intermediaite condition accurs For statement Used as counter Syntax: for(start;condition;expression)statement Ex: var Number; for(Number=0;Number<=10;Number++) document.write("Num"+Number+"


   < Beginner JS >< Function >< Variable > < Loop-If > < OOP > this member it represents the class itself it has direct access to all properties of its parent class function Hand(side,fingers,nails){ this.LeftOrRight =side; this.NbrOfFingers=fingers this.NailState=nails; } name of the class : Hand  properties :  (side,fingers,nails)  // properties of the function / of the class NailState  // property of the argument argument (value provided for each property) this.LeftOrRight =side; // argument of the function / of the class =nails;     // argument of the argument class: function Hand(side,fingers,nails){ this.LeftOrRight =side; this.NbrOfFingers=fingers this.NailState=nails; } This It has direct access to all properties of its parent class You must use it to create a class Before using a class you must declare it. var dogHand=newHand("Right",5,false,true); name of the object: dogHand name of the class: Hand arguments: "Right",5,false,t


 < Beginner JS >< Function >< Variable >< Loop-If >< OOP > Syntax of a function function name(){} Exemple function showAdress)_{ document.write("Hello"); } Function calling showAdress(); Function and local variables Variable declared in the body of a function ...{var custAdress}... Argument - > passing an argument This means: providing an argument to a function function circleArea(radius){ var areas; area=radius*radius*3.14; document.write("area is: ",area); } circleArea(20.75); function with more than one argument function rectangleArea(length,height){ var area; area=length*height*3.14; document.write("area: ",area); } var length,height; length=52.05; height=46.55; rectangleArea(length,height); Argument with different types function rectangleArea(length,height,shape){ ....} length=2; height=4; shape="rectangle"; rectangleArea(length,height,shape); Returning a value .... return area; } producing a value and making