
Showing posts from March, 2024

Links: Very original work helpers - super duper

 < CSS >< PHP >< 2d-3d webdsgn links >< Agile SQL >< Scratch Blockly Android Blockchain > < Azure MongoDB Spark >< Work helpers > CSS   Drawing /  - online anonymous drawing Visual Coding - WYSIWYG  like scratch - very good - go to : VS code extension link from the menu : trading work helpers pinejs - trading programming with it is cool -  requires to learn extra ,  Familiarity with TradingView indicators:  Moving Averages,  RSI Bollinger Bands!,is%20completely%20free%20for%20life.   trading platform : Kortana - up to 200 K for simulation

React-course notes

< React Course Notes >< ReactJS function > I) installation: run msdos in C;// run the command: - This creates the working folder npm create vite@5.1.0 my-alorya-app -- --template react II) to start vite.js run in msdos: cd my-alorya-app change folder with cd my-app - in msdos This installs the app in the folder: npm install Run Vite.js:  npm run dev With vite all is ready! -  Watch out :  There should be no errors in the installation (red text).  If there are any, you should correct them. creating project (without vite.js) I recommend you just use vite.js and not the following, I found them too comples, and I had many errors to correct. Run the code -  Run them if you do not use vite.js - if you use vite.js you don`t need them npm init -y install react libraries npm install react@^17.0.0 react-dom@^17.0.0 --save install babel npm install @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react @babel/core @babel/plugin-proposal-c