React-course notes

I) installation:

run msdos

in C;//

run the command: - This creates the working folder

npm create vite@5.1.0 my-alorya-app -- --template react

II) to start vite.js

run in msdos:

  • cd my-alorya-app
  • change folder with cd my-app - in msdos

This installs the app in the folder:

  • npm install

Run Vite.js: 

  • npm run dev

With vite all is ready! - 

Watch out : 

  • There should be no errors in the installation (red text). 
  • If there are any, you should correct them.

creating project (without vite.js)

I recommend you just use vite.js and not the following, I found them too comples, and I had many errors to correct.

Run the code - 

Run them if you do not use vite.js - if you use vite.js you don`t need them

    • npm init -y
  • install react libraries
    • npm install react@^17.0.0 react-dom@^17.0.0 --save
  • install babel
    • npm install @babel/preset-env @babel/preset-react @babel/core @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties -D

resolving many things:

forum answer

III) deploying to website

  • edit package.json
    • insert :
    • "homepage": "",
    • close
  • npm run build
  • Open your file explorer
  • click the `dist` folder to open it
  • copy what is inside
  • paste to your website
  • Done!!!

IV)Practice notes:

1) Import Export more than two entities:

11) in CarNs.jsx

export function Garage....
export class CarN

12) in App.jsx

import { CarNs, Garage } from './components/CarNs.jsx';

2) Render multiple entities : class and function together

in App.jsx :

<CarNs color="red"/>
<Garage />

tutorial- keep it for: in case of

best maybe?:

mozilla react tutorial -- seems to be really working!

dont know?

does vite have any useful thing-> no!

tester thing- not too bad but it is paid -

applications to test:

from freecodecamp - youtube
the source:
Accordion -

maybe read after the app works you do:

javascript and algorithm
c sharp

out of subject

my datalink profile
learn pytorch
vikas kumar with good tutorials


<> or  <FragmentThe empty tag is a React feature called a Fragment. By using a Fragment, your component won't render an extra element to the screen.

1/embed JavaScript expressions

Because of JSX, you can also embed JavaScript expressions inside an element by using curly brackets {}:

const lowercaseClass = 'text-lowercase';

const text = 'Hello World!';

const App = <h1 className={lowercaseClass}>{text}</h1>;

This is what makes React elements different from HTML elements. You can't embed JavaScript directly by using curly braces in HTML.


Free/paid React project publisher -subscribed with google - -subscribed with email  // - subscribe with github with google


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