
 1.Definition of terms

    1. Repository
      • it is a collection of commits
      • it defines HEAD
      • it contains a set of branches and tags
    2. Index
      • changes are first registered in the index
      • it is a way of confirming changes before doing a commit
      • it is also called the staging area
    3. working trees
      • it is any directory on your filesystem which has a repository associated with it
      • typically indicated by the presence of a sub-directory within-it, named: git
      • it includes all the files and subdirectories in that directory
    4. Commit
      • it is a snapshot of your working tree at some point of time
      • it is an archive of what the project`s tree looked like at a past date
      • Whether on your machine or someone else`s 
      • the state of HEAD at the tim your commit is made becomes that commit`s parent
      • this is what creates the notion of a `revision history`
    5. branch
      • it is just a name for a commit
      • it is also called a reference
      • it is a parentage of a commit, which defines its history, and thus the typical notopn of a "branch of development"
    6. tag
      • It is also a name for a commit
      • it is similar to a branch
      • it always names the same commit (<> branch)
      • it can have its own description text
    7. master
      • it is a branch that is called master
      • the mainline of development in most repositoriesis done in master
      • This is a typical default, but it is not special
    8. head
      • it is used by your repository to define what is currently checked out
        • you checkout a branch
          • HEAD symbolically refers to that branch
          • indicating that the branch name should be updated after the next commit operation
        • you checkout a specific commit
          • HEAD refers to that commit only
          • this is referred to as a detached HEAD
          • it occurs if you checkout a tag name


    • you create a repository
      • git checkout
    • you complete your work in the working tree
    • you complete the bugs
    • you are ready to compile
      • git-add
    • you add your changes to the index
    • your changes and all the other are what you intend to commit
      • git commit
    • you record the content of the index in the repository
REPOSITORY ->git-checkout->WORKING TREE->git-add->INDEX->git-commit->REPOSITORY

3. Repository

File system:
  • Root Directory
    • directory A (tree)
      • file A: leaf node A (blob)
        • data1
        • data2
      • file B:leaf node B
      • file C
    • dir B
    • dir C
    • dir D
    • ....


    1. Create repository
    2. Which hash id GIT stores my greetings
      • everybodu even in diff computer will get the same hash id
      • because GIT realize we track the same content
    3. initialize a new repository and commit the file into it
    4. Our blob should be in the sys with the hash id as above
      • usually six digits: af5626
      • or seven af5626k


The whole sys is about blob management


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