
<Beginner PHP><Array><Loop><Function><Pre-Def variable><Session><Read Write File><CRUD>

Numeric Arrays

Associate numeric index with their value.
Index starts at 0 (zero)
Index can be assigned automatically


Ex - Automatic assignement
Ex - Manual assignement

Accessing the array element

Accessing through its indice
echo $names[1];//outputs "Amy"

Array and data types

In one array you can have many data types
echo "$ma[0] is $ma[2] and knows$ma[1]";

Associative Arrays

It uses named keys that we assign to them
can be done in two ways

$people = array("David"=>"27","Amy"=>"21"."John"=>"42");




"=>" is used here

Access array`s member

echo $people[`Amy`]; // outputs 21

Multi dimensional arrays

It contains one or more arrays dimension of array = number of indice needed

Two dimensional array


echo $people[`online`][0]; // outputs `David`
echo $people[`away`][1]; // outputs `Daniel`


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