<Beginner PHP><Array><Loop><Function><Pre-Def variable><Session><Read Write File><CRUD>
With it you can store info in variables, to be used across multiple pages
Info is not stored on the user`s computer ( <> cookies).
Session variables last until the user closes the browser
Session starts using the session_start() function
The we set session variables with $_SESSION
now color and name session variables are accessible on multiple pages(until end of session)
Session start must be before any html tags.
Another page accessing session variables
echo "your name is:".$_SESSION['name'];
session_unset() : removes variable
session_destroy : destroy session
it identifies the user
it is a small file embeded in user computer
it is sent each time the page is requested
PHP creates and retrieves cookie values
Creating cookies
setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, secure, httponly);
- name: required , cookie name
- value: cookie`s value
- expire: when the cookie expires. 86400*30 menas 30 days. If omitted default is 0 (expire on end of session)
- path: server path of the cookie. if set to "/" then cookie available within entire domain. "/php": within php directory and sub directory. Default is current directory.
- domain: cookie`s domain : available on all subdomain of
- secure: cookie transmitted over secure HTTPS connection or not. TRUE: cookie is set only if secure connection exist. Default is FALSE.
- httponly: cookie accessible through HTTP protocol only or not. TRUE: accessible through HTTP protocol and not accessible to scripting language. Reduce identity theft using XSS attacks. Default is FALSE.
Creating Cookie code:
$ value = "John";
Find out if cookie is set:
echo "value is:".$_COOKIE['user'];
Note: Never store sensitive data in cookies. Also respect regional regulations and user preference when using cookies, sometimes you may not use it at all.
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