<Beginner PHP><Array><Loop><Function><Pre-Def variable><Session><Read Write File><CRUD>
Include & Require
Allow for insertion of the content of one PHP file into another PHP file, before the server executes it.
Include doesn`t produce error if it can not find the file.
We have a header file
echo `Welcome`
To include the header file in a page / in multiple pages
include `header.php`;
Require is same as include, but if it can not find the file it cease execution and produce error.
PHP Forms $_GET & $_POST
Their purpose is to collect data that has been entered into a form
<form action="first.php" method="post">
<p>Name: <input type="text" name="name" /></p>
<p><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /></p>
About the form
Action: it is an attribute
Submitted form is sent to php file named first.php
Name: names are used to access data with PHP
Accessing the posted form
<?php echo $_POST["name"];?>
the $_POST superglobal array holds:
keys: names of the form: name, age, sexe
values: input data entered by user
Two method for submitting forms:
GET: visible to all, limit on data amount, possible to bookmark page
POST: invisible to others, no limits on data, has advantage functionality, post is prefered for submitting data
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